About the age limited of Swift Students Challenge of WWDC23

Dear Developers,


I'm a student in China, who is 12 years old. I've seen the information about joining the Swift Students Challenge of WWDC23(I'll call it Challenge below), and I've notice that the age limited is 13 years old or more in USA. So I'd like to ask what is the limited of Challenge in China?

I'm really want to join it.

Thank you.

Augustine ZENG


I could not find any information about the rules in China (they depend on China, not APple decision).

But looking at film ratings for equivalent of PG13, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_picture_content_rating_system), we see that there is no age restriction in China (except when 18+ is required). That could be a hint that you would be allowed to participate.

In antcase, I would advise you to submit, with a note explaining the above argument.

I am not sure what is the minimum age in your region.

However, if you are under the minimum legal age, there is still a way to apply. In the Swift Student Challenge Terms and Conditions, it is stated that you may apply under the minimum age in your relevant jurisdiction, by asking your legal guardians to send a request to the Swift Student Challenge email. Read the terms for more info (the related information is in the paragraph before Submission Requirements).

If you don't receive an email response in time, I would advise you to put a note in the Comments (Optional) section of the application, as Claude31 said.