iOS 16.4.1 keyboard dismisses when reloadSections or reloadItems is called

I have an UICollectionView with 2 sections.

  • First section contains a single header cell with an UITextfield.
  • Second section has basic UICollectionViewCells inside of it.

When the UITextfield which is inside of the first section is focused and user changes value of text, I need to update second section item cells. After update cells with reloadSections/reloadItems UITextField loses focus and keyboard dismisses.

This problem is not existed until iOS 16.4.1. Any idea about how to fix the issue?

This was a bug introduced in iOS 16.4, but it is fixed as of the latest iOS 16.5 beta, so please test using iOS 16.5 beta 4 or later.

Is there a workaround for that issue in iOS 16.4?

Hi, it's happening again on iOS17.0.3. Do you have a plan to fix? Our team can reproduce issue on iOS17. iOS 16.4.1 --> Keyboard dismissed on input of every Single character. iOS 16.5 --> Keyboard works fine & does not dismiss iOS 17.0.3 --> Keyboard dismissed on input of every Two characters.

Facing this issue on iOS 17.2 as well. Any workarounds ?

iOS 16.4.1 keyboard dismisses when reloadSections or reloadItems is called