Can't kill background location app?

I'm working on an app that needs real-time location updates in the background, and while I've got it working, it seems like there's no way for users to actually kill the app.

Swiping up on the multitasking screen looks like it's closing the app, but the app resumes instantly when I launch it (no splash screen or startup flow), and battery usage is still affected by the high-frequency location updates I'm requesting after I swipe up on it.

Is there any way for me to allow users to actually kill the app via the multitasking screen the way they'd expect?

While they could use the "Stop" button in my app to end location updates and save battery that way, I fear most users will just swipe up on it and then wonder why their battery is still draining fast.

Accepted Reply

Swiping up on the multitasking screen looks like it's closing the app, but the app resumes instantly when I launch it (no splash screen or startup flow)

That is surprising. Are you sure?

  • Did some more testing and re-deployed the app a couple of times. I think I just wasn't seeing the splash/startup because another app was keeping CoreLocation active, allowing my app to start up faster than expected.

    I could've sworn I saw it's background activity carry over after I swiped up, but sometimes a triple-check is all that's needed to clear up a mystery.


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Swiping up on the multitasking screen looks like it's closing the app, but the app resumes instantly when I launch it (no splash screen or startup flow)

That is surprising. Are you sure?

  • Did some more testing and re-deployed the app a couple of times. I think I just wasn't seeing the splash/startup because another app was keeping CoreLocation active, allowing my app to start up faster than expected.

    I could've sworn I saw it's background activity carry over after I swiped up, but sometimes a triple-check is all that's needed to clear up a mystery.


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