Call Recording in IOS 2023

hi I know there's many ways to record Voice in IOS by using one of these famous framework : AVFoundation AudioToolbox Core Audio

but what I want todo is to be able record a phone call but there's many challenges

  1. interruptions : when I got a call the system interrupt any running app in order to handle this call

so how I can I make the voice recording app record voice in background so after I receive a call I open the app and run the record function

  1. even though I solved the previous issue , how can I record the sound comes from the phone top speaker

if anyone have an idea or any thoughts , please share it with me

Accepted Reply

Many before you have tried, but it is not allowed for privacy concerns.

  • thanks For sharing your opinion , I think one day Apple will allow developers to do this and also informing the other person in the call that this call is being recorded

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Many before you have tried, but it is not allowed for privacy concerns.

  • thanks For sharing your opinion , I think one day Apple will allow developers to do this and also informing the other person in the call that this call is being recorded

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