Unable to request User-Assigned Device Name Entitlement

I'm working on a project that will also support a "My Devices" web portal. For making this work, we need the name that a user did assign to the device. In the documentation there is a link to apply for the com.apple.developer.device-information.user-assigned-device-name entitlement but the link is going nowhere for me.

How to request the com.apple.developer.device-information.user-assigned-device-name entitlement from here?

Apple Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_developer_device-information_user-assigned-device-name

Link to request the entitlement: https://developer.apple.com/contact/request/user-assigned-device-name/

WWDC 2022 session where this entitlement is described: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10096


but the link is going nowhere for me.

What exactly does that mean? Is there an error message? Does it go to a blank page? Do you get prompted to log in to your  account?