Package localization export is broken


  1. Create a new clean Swift package in Xcode 14.3

  2. Add a defaultLocalization value to the package manifest

  3. Add a platform to the package manifest: platforms: [.iOS(.v16)]

  4. Run Product -> Export Localizations and the following error appears:

Version 14.3 (14E222b)

macOS 13.1 (22C65)

Feedback FB12183400

I am also having the same issues, but using Xcode 15 on Sonoma. It's frustrating that the build settings for exporting localization are hidden and can't be accessed. All my targets compile and link both for release and debug. I have over 10 targets and the only way I have been able to fix this issue is by removing targets until *** works, And then adding them back in. But I need to export localizations for all of the targets! Help!!

Package localization export is broken