Did iOS 16's SceneKit change something about handling pixel format?

Hi, my app displays a video as texture on SceneKit's SCNNode. Now I've just found that some videos looks different in iOS 16.4 from previous versions. The videos look more pale than they should be. I looked up some documents and set SCNDisableLinearSpaceRendering as true in info.plist, they look exactly what they should be but then the problem is that the other videos which already looked fine now turned different. But anyway it seems to relate to the linear or gamma color spaces regarding to this answer (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/710643).

Definitely those problematic videos have some different color space setting or something. I am not really expert in these field, where should I start to dig in?

Or how can I just make iOS 16.4 behave same as previous versions? It worked well for all the videos then. What was actually updated?

I can confirm that It's fixed in iOS 17

Did iOS 16's SceneKit change something about handling pixel format?