Is Passthrough + Unbounded Volumes + My Own 3D Rendering in Metal Possible?

On VisionOS, is a combination of full passthrough, unbounded volumes, and my own custom 3D rendering in Metal Possible? According to the RealityKit and Unity VisionOS talk, towards the end, it’s shown that an unbounded volume mode allows you to create full passthrough experiences with graphics rendering in 3D — essentially full 3D AR in which you fan move around the space. It’s also shown that you can get occlusion for the graphics. This is all great, however, I don’t want to use RealityKit or Unity in my case. I would like to be able to render to an unbounded volume using my own custom Metal renderer, and still get AR passthrough and the ability to walk around and composit virtual graphical content with the background. To reiterate, this is exactly what is shown in the video using Unity, but I’d like to use my own renderer instead of Unity or RealityKit.

This doesn’t require access to the video camera texture, which I know is unavailable.

Having the flexibility to create passthrough mode content in a custom renderwr is super important for making an AR experience in which I have control over rendering.

One use case I have in mind is: Wizard’s Chess. You see the real world and can walk around a room-size chessboard with virtual chess pieces mixed with the real world, and you can see the other player through passthrough as well. I’d like to render graphics on my living room couches using scene reconstruction mesg anchors, for example, to change the atmosphere.

The video already shows several nice use cases like being able to interact with a tabletop fantasy world with characters.

Is what I’m describing possible with Metal? Thanks!

EDIT: Also, if not volumes, then full spaces? I don’t need access to the camera images that are off-limits. I would just like passthrough + composition with 3D Metal content + full ARKit tracking and occlusion features.

Is Passthrough + Unbounded Volumes + My Own 3D Rendering in Metal Possible?