Immersion space becoming inactive on stepping outside of the "system-defined boundary"

Watching "Go beyond the window with SwiftUI" and the presenter is talking about immersive spaces phases (about 12:41 in the presentation) being automatically becoming inactive on the user stepping outside of the system boundary.

I am curious about how this system boundary is defined? What happens if I have a mixed immersive space and want to allow the user to walk around a large room (ar enhanced art gallery experience for example) and explore, after a few steps will the space become inactive?

Thanks for any clarifications.


I believe this was asked during the WWDC 2023 Slack sessions and it was mentioned that, for safety concerns, the app will automatically change phases if it's determined that a user is walking around as it could pose a safety hazard. While tough to say without working in a simulator or practical device, it's likely that you'll want to test your experience to properly handle such a thing. But I do not think the "walkaround" experience is directly supported due to safety concerns.

They limit mobility to 1.5m from start. However, as I write in this topic, there are tons of use cases for larger tracking areas in VR—actually most of the ones I’m interested in, and several being researched:

I hope that eventually it’ll be possible for the user to define a larger safety boundary for controlled environments in which it’s fine to walk around.

I guess if we file feedback reports en-masse with our use cases, that is the best way to push things forward.

  • Thanks for the update. Especially in the case of a .mixed immersion style, it would be nice the allow full freedom.

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