XCode 15: Testflight can't update

I tried to upload a version of my app through XCode 15. All the process went well, but when the app reaches the test flight app on my iPhone 13 mini with iOS 16.5, it downloads the packet but then it goes back to the "Update" button. Seems that it doesn't like the package.

Am I the only one with this issue?


feedback opened https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/12303532 without help Now i also opened a TSI but I can't understand why i have to open a TSI and spend a TSI "coin" for a beta bug!

I fixed it by myself. In the xcode 15 beta 1 releases notes there is a point about testflight where they said that there is an open bug about the watchapp that have deployment target to less than 6.0 Mine has 5.0 So i put it to 6.0 and now it works (of course it's only a workaround)