Cannot bind NSCollectionView selection indexes to NSArrayController

I've got a macOS app that has a collection view all done with bindings and no datasource implementation. I've got it so I can drag and drop items, highlight selection and delete items. The last item is to bind the collection view selection to my array controller.

In IB I select the collection view then in the bindings inspector I select the array controller under selection indexes and enter the controller key of selectionIndexes. But this does nothing. If I log the collection view selectionIndexes it shows correctly but the array controller will show nothing.

I've fussed with this the entire day and am starting to believe it just won't work like it does with a table view. I thought about updating the array controller selection through the collection view delegate selection methods -didSelectItemsAtIndexPaths / didDeselectItemsAtIndexPaths but it feels like I must be missing something. Should this be possible and if not what are my alternatives?