How is the Xcode 15 Beta download supposed to work?

After I realized that the download site now tries to open a popup, I was able to get the download for Xcode 15 Beta and the selected Simulator SDKs

Now, no matter where I unpack and start Xcode 15, it wants to re-download these files.

What is the way this is supposed to work? Where should I put my downloads and uncompressed files?

When I placed the *.simruntime packages in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes the Finder would not stop repeatedly complaining.

“xrOS 1.0.simruntime” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.

To silence that, I ran sudo xattr -r -d on each package.

When launching Xcode for the first time the runtimes that I already downloaded and copied to /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes were listed as «Downloading», the Downloads window in Xcode had no entries, and even though I could pick Simulators for iOS 17.0 and visionOS 1.0, I could not run them.

After deleting the packages in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes, I decided to get the runtimes using Xcode -> Preferences… -> Platforms.

Now I have a /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes directory with mounted disk images inside them and the .dmg files live in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Images.

There’s also a binary property list at /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Images/images.plist that seems vital.

Enough time wasted, visionOS waits for me. :)

Actually, you wouldn't need to download dmg files.

Here is the thing you can do via command line while getting away from ginormous dmg file downloads:

  1. Open

  2. Execute sudo xcode-select --switch /path/to/

  3. Execute xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch.

  4. Execute xcodebuild -downloadAllPlatforms and wait till it shows Downloading visionOS 1.0 Simulator (21N5165g): Done.

  5. If Terminal/Xcode 15 beta requires Full Disk Access or Developer Tools authority, allow it.

If you only need xrOS, fix the command in 3 for xcodebuild -downloadPlatform xrOS. (or any other than xrOS like: iOS, watchOS, tvOS)

If the command gets stuck on Finding content..., stop the command with Ctrl+c and delete xcodebuild cache by sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/

I solved it by going into XCode 15.2 Settings -> Platforms

Remove the xrOS image that was still there and didn't mount anymore. Install visionOS 1.0

How is the Xcode 15 Beta download supposed to work?