Confusing colorSpace naming in Reality Composer Pro

I made a scene in Reality Composer Pro and used the „Light Blue Denim Fabric“ material. Saving the scene and exporting to USDZ resulted in that material using this line:

asset inputs:file = @0/LightBlueDenimFabric_basecolor.png@ (
    colorSpace = "Input - Texture - sRGB - sRGB"

Question 1: Was this colorSpace wrongfully exported from a different tool ?

The updated Apple page mentions these new known colorSpace(s): “srgb_texture”, “lin_srgb”, “srgb_displayp3”, or “lin_displayp3”.

To be honest, this confused me even more. My understanding is that the prefix "lin_" means linear (aka no gamma) and the established "srgb_" prefix means gamma corrected. But the word srgb could also describe the encoding (sRGB vs DisplayP3)


Reality Composer Pro is using MaterialX and OpenColorIO namespace conventions for grouping and colorspace names that have evolved over time. The colorspace that you're seeing is equivalent to "srgb_texture".