Swipe / Long-press gestures in visionOS simulator

I have an iPad app I've just started testing in visionOS and it's gone pretty good so far except one issue, none of the long-press or swipe gestures in my List work.

The app is SwiftUI based. so I'm using a List with the swipeActions and contextMenu modifiers.

Could these be broke, unsupported or am I not understand how to initiate these in the simulator?

For a long press I'd assume just holding down on the mouse button should work. This appears to work in Safari.

I've played around further and I found out the real issue. Swipe and Long-press do work.

However, on the first item in the row you need to be very specific and touch on, what seems like, the last couple of pixels from the bottom of the row.

A lot of the UI buttons around the top above the search bar also seem to be hard to press or their touch targets are off. This includes my toolbars with the .editor role.

There's no hacks, just standard toolbars and SwiftUI buttons.

Hey did you figure out how to detect pinch and drag gestures?

I tried this with an annotation on a map. But I can't get the long-press to work here either.

Swipe / Long-press gestures in visionOS simulator