English to English translation?

My app supports English and another language. The English string catalog is empty. Running the app in English in Xcode 15 beta 3, all strings are displayed in capital letters. It seems the behavior when translations are missing. Do we need to translate each English key into the same English translation, or is it a bug?

How do you call the text ? With NSLocalizedString ?

When text is displayed in capital letters, that means effectively that the string passed to NSLocalizedString is not found in Localized(english) or Localized(base) file:

Check you have selected "Use Base internationalization"

After killing the app on iPhone, and launch it on iPhone, all strings are displayed correctly. However, launching it again in Xcode, all strings are capital again. It's a bug🐞

launching it again in Xcode,

Do you mean on simulator ?

  • Which version of Xcode ?
  • Does it occurs for items defined in IB (buttons for instance) and texts in strings ?
  • have you set a base localization ?
English to English translation?