Xcode 15 doesn't fix Info.plist management bugs introduced in Xcode 14

Xcode 14 introduced some ridiculous Info.plist management bugs which are not yet fixed in Xcode 15:

The bugs are manifested in the General and Info tabs of target management:

-The Build value in the General tab is not in sync with the CFBundleVersion value in the Info tab (that is, changing the value in the General tab won't affect the Info tab and vice versa).

-The App Category value in the General tab isn't in sync with the LSApplicationCategoryType value in the Info tab.

-Additional document type properties in the Info tab cannot be added: clicking "Click here to add..." doesn't do anything.

-Document types in Info tab cannot be deleted: once you added a document type instance (even as a test) there's no way to remove it.

...and none of this is fixed in the Xcode 15.0 release.

The first bug (Build value) affects EVERY Xcode user.

I find it astonishing that Apple refuses to address such glaring deficiencies in fundamental Xcode functionality. Especially something that should be trivial to fix.

And here we are: still NONE of the issues are fixed in Xcode 15 beta 4.

Once again, some of them (such as build number mismatch) affects ALL Xcode users - 100% of them.

It's unfathomable how Apple managed to break Info.plist management in Xcode 14 (something that worked with no issues since the first Xcode release).

It's even harder to understand why they still refuse to fix it while, once again, this affects ALL Xcode users.

I encourage every Xcode user to submit a bug report regarding this severe problem as soon as possible.

Maybe Apple pays attention to this once they receive a few hundred reports on this bug.

Astonishingly, this severe bug is still not fixed in Xcode 16.

Once again, this bug affects EVERY XCODE USER.

I'm truly curious why Apple refuses to fix this basic Info.plist management bug? Especially that this one is trivial to fix.

Up until Xcode 14, Xcode functioned normally. Now such basic things as specifying the build version or app category cannot be performed by just typing or selecting the desired values.

Is Apple waiting for quantum computers and next generation AI technologies to restore some basic functionality of plist management? What kind of super-human developers worked in Xcode team until version 14 that they were able to provide basic UI updates from NSDictionary?

I guess those ultra-ingenious developers have left and took the sacred secrets of reading an NSDictionary with them forever :(

Xcode 15 doesn't fix Info.plist management bugs introduced in Xcode 14