It appears that Window
is not available on visionOS, only WindowGroup
. If I want to have a window with only one instance (say, a Menu or similar), how can I ensure that each time I call openWindow
, the same window appears, and a new one is not created?
Single Instance Windows on visionOS
You could either disable "Enable Multiple Windows" , use a State variable or check if the Window is already open programmatically.
Hi @benfromchicago ,
If I want to have a window with only one instance (say, a Menu or similar), how can I ensure that each time I call openWindow, the same window appears, and a new one is not created?
This is detailed in the WindowGroup documentation, so please take a look! I'll review the important parts below.
How openWindow works:
openWindow allows you to pass an id, value, or both to indicate which scene to open.
The id parameter always takes a string. For a WindowGroup
, if you pass just an id, the system creates a new window for the group. If the WindowGroup
presents data, the system provides the default value or nil to the window’s root view.
WindowGroup(id: "firstWindow"){
In ContentView
, call openWindow(id: "firstWindow")
The value parameter takes in a variable of any type, so long as that type matches one specified in the WindowGroup
. This allows you to provide a value to present to the WindowGroup
. If the interface already has a window from the group that’s presenting the specified value, the system brings the window to the front. Otherwise, the system creates a new window and passes a binding to the specified value.
WindowGroup(for: String.self){ $num in
ContentView(number: num)
In ContentView
, call openWindow(value: "open")
(or use any variable of type String)
Lastly, you can also pass both an identifier and a value. This enables you to define multiple window groups that take input values of the same type like a UUID. This has the same behavior as above, a window presenting the value will be brought to the front, otherwise a new window will be created.