Does a listen-only CGEventTap block events handling?

I am writing a tool that tracks statistics about key strokes. For that I create an event tap using CGEventTapCreate (docs). Since my code does not alter events, I create the tap using the kCGEventTapOptionListenOnly option.

Do I still need to minimize the runtime of my event handling callback for fast processing of keyboard events? I assume that a listen-only handler does not block the OS-internal event handling queue, but I can't find anything assertive for that in the documentation.

Many thanks in advance.

Answered by rsto in 759572022

I guess I could just have tested this before posting this question: kCGEventTapOptionListenOnly does not block the event handler queue.

I tested this by putting my event handler to sleep for 2 seconds, and it did receive but not block the other event handler.

Accepted Answer

I guess I could just have tested this before posting this question: kCGEventTapOptionListenOnly does not block the event handler queue.

I tested this by putting my event handler to sleep for 2 seconds, and it did receive but not block the other event handler.

Does a listen-only CGEventTap block events handling?