App Rejection caused by wrong country connection

I am facing multiple App Store rejections like this one:

_We are still experiencing the same issue. Specifically, your app content did not load properly. Please review the details below and complete the next steps. _

I have explained them that they see white pages because the app is intended to work only in Belgium, so with every connection outside of Belgium the app would not load the data or the user would not be able to login and connect.

After their answer: _Thank you for providing this information.

We will continue the review, and we will notify you if there are any further issues._

They answer: _We have started the review of your real-money gambling app, but we were unable to successfully access your app's full features and functionality. In order for us to continue the review, we need to have a way to verify all app features and functionality. Typically this is done by providing a demo account that grants App Review full access to all features and functionality in your app. It is also acceptable to include a demonstration mode that exhibits your app’s full features and functionality. _

providing the same screenshots as before. Clearly they are not using a vpn to Belgium or a connection to it. Every try of me asking which connection are they using if futile as they won't reply directly. The app works properly as I tested on every device.

Any advice on how to let them understand that is only a matter of network?

I see two issues with the app, based on what was posted.

Fix your app code to show a message indicating the problem—"Due to [reasons], this app is only available within Belgium. For more information, please visit" or some such message—when this case arises. Not partial or empty (white) views. The Apple reviewers are not going to be the only folks encountering this case with (presumably) IP country lookup, and y'all probably don't want to take all those support calls for un-obvious ip geolocation issues.

You will also want to provide a path for the app review folks that bypasses the geolocation country check, such as a dedicated testing login. That testing login can't spend "real" money, but is otherwise identical to a real login. Maybe also a second testing login for Apple that does not bypass the country check, so they can verify that check. The logins can be enabled while the app is in Apple review, and disabled when not.

I would not expect Apple to want or need to set up a VPN to test your app. I mean, they might, but I would not expect that of app review. That's something I'd consider to be part of my job as the app developer, not the least of which because I too am going to need to test all that.

Thank you very much @Hoffman for your opinion and for proposing concrete solutions, I will follow your advices and see if I can get through it.

I will write here if I manage to pass or still need advice.

Thanks for now

App Rejection caused by wrong country connection