Don’t Try to Get the Device’s IP Address

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For important background information, read Extra-ordinary Networking before reading this.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Don’t Try to Get the Device’s IP Address

I regularly see questions like:

  • How do I find the IP address of the device?

  • How do I find the IP address of the Wi-Fi interface?

  • How do I identify the Wi-Fi interface?

I also see a lot of really bad answers to these questions. That’s understandable, because the questions themselves don’t make sense. Networking on Apple platforms is complicated and many of the things that are ‘obviously’ true are, in fact, not true at all. For example:

  • There’s no single IP address that represents the device, or an interface. A device can have 0 or more interfaces, each of which can have 0 or more IP addresses, each of which can be IPv4 and IPv6.

  • A device can have multiple interfaces of a given type. It’s common for iPhones to have multiple WWAN interfaces, for example.

It’s not possible to give a simple answer to any of these questions, because the correct answer depends on the context. Why do you need this particular information? What are you planning to do with it?

This post describes the scenarios I most commonly encounter, with my advice on how to handle each scenario.

IMPORTANT BSD interface names, like en0, are not considered API. There’s no guarantee, for example, that an iPhone’s Wi-Fi interface is en0. If you write code that relies on a hard-coded interface name, it will fail in some situations.

Service Discovery

Some folks want to identify the Wi-Fi interface so that they can run a custom service discovery protocol over it. Before you do that, I strongly recommend that you look at Bonjour. This has a bunch of advantages:

  • It’s an industry standard [1].

  • It’s going to be more efficient on the ‘wire’.

  • You don’t have to implement it yourself, you can just call an API [2].

For information about the APIs available, see TN3151 Choosing the right networking API.

If you must implement your own service discovery protocol, don’t think in terms of finding the Wi-Fi interface. Rather, write your code to work with all Wi-Fi interfaces, or perhaps even all Ethernet-like interfaces. That’s what Apple’s Bonjour implementation does, and it means that things will work in odd situations [3].

To find all Wi-Fi interfaces, get the interface list and filter it for ones with the Wi-Fi functional type. To find all broadcast-capable interfaces, get the interface list and filter it for interfaces with the IFF_BROADCAST flag set. If the service you’re trying to discover only supports IPv4, filter out any IPv6-only interfaces.

For advice on how to do this, see Interface List and Network Interface Type in Network Interface APIs.

When working with multiple interfaces, it’s generally a good idea to create a socket per interface and then bind that socket to the interface. That ensures that, when you send a packet, it’ll definitely go out the interface you expect.

For more information on how to implement broadcasts correctly, see Broadcasts and Multicasts, Hints and Tips.

[1] Bonjour is an Apple term for:

[2] That’s true even on non-Apple platforms. It’s even true on most embedded platforms. If you’re talking to a Wi-Fi accessory, see Working with a Wi-Fi Accessory.

[3] Even if the service you’re trying to discover can only be found on Wi-Fi, it’s possible for a user to have their iPhone on an Ethernet that’s bridged to a Wi-Fi. Why on earth would they do that? Well, security, of course. Some organisations forbid their staff from using Wi-Fi.

Logging and Diagnostics

Some folks want to log the IP address of the Wi-Fi interface, or the WWAN, or both for diagnostic purposes. This is quite feasible, with the only caveat being there may be multiple interfaces of each type.

To find all interfaces of a particular type, get the interface list and filter it for interfaces with that functional type. See Interface List and Network Interface Type in Network Interface APIs.

Interface for an Outgoing Connection

There are situations where you need to get the interface used by a particular connection. A classic example of that is FTP. When you set up a transfer in FTP, you start with a control connection to the FTP server. You then open a listener and send its IP address and port to the FTP server over your control connection. What IP address should you use?

There’s an easy answer here: Use the local IP address for the control connection. That’s the one that the server is most likely to be able to connect to.

To get the local address of a connection:

Now, this isn’t a particularly realistic example. Most folks don’t use FTP these days [1] but, even if they do, they use FTP passive mode, which avoids the need for this technique. However, this sort of thing still does come up in practice. I recently encountered two different variants of the same problem:

  • One developer was implementing VoIP software and needed to pass the devices IP address to their VoIP stack. The best IP address to use was the local IP address of their control connection to the VoIP server.

  • A different developer was upgrading the firmware of an accessory. They do this by starting a server within their app and sending a command to the accessory to download the firmware from that server. Again, the best IP address to use is the local address of the control connection.

[1] See the discussion in TN3151 Choosing the right networking API.

Listening for Connections

If you’re listening for incoming network connections, you don’t need to bind to a specific address. Rather, listen on all local addresses. In Network framework, this is the default for NWListener. In BSD Sockets, set the address to INADDR_ANY (IPv4) or in6addr_any (IPv6).

If you only want to listen on a specific interface, don’t try to bind to that interface’s IP address. If you do that, things will go wrong if the interface’s IP address changes. Rather, bind to the interface itself:

How do you work out what interface to use? The standard technique is to get the interface list and filter it for interfaces with the desired functional type. See Interface List and Network Interface Type in Network Interface APIs. Remember that their may be multiple interfaces of a given type. If you’re using BSD Sockets, where you can only bind to a single interface, you’ll need to create multiple listeners, one for each interface.

Listener UI

Some apps have an embedded network server and they want to populate a UI with information on how to connect to that server. This is a surprisingly tricky task to do correctly. For the details, see Showing Connection Information for a Local Server.

Outgoing Connections

In some situations you might want to force an outgoing connection to run over a specific interface. There are four common cases here:

  • Set the local address of a connection [1].

  • Force a connection to run over a specific interface.

  • Force a connection to run over a type of interface.

  • Force a connection to run over an interface with specific characteristics. For example, you want to download some large resource without exhausting the user’s cellular data allowance.

The last case should be the most common — see the Constraints section of Network Interface Techniques — but all four are useful in specific circumstances.

The following sections explain how to tackle these tasks in the most common networking APIs.

[1] This implicitly forces the connection to use the interface with that address. For an explanation as to why, see the discussion of scoped routing in Network Interface Techniques.

Network Framework

Network framework has good support for all of these cases. Set one or more of the following properties on the NWParameters object you use to create your NWConnection:

Foundation URL Loading System

URLSession has fewer options than Network framework but they work in a similar way: Set one or more of the following properties on the URLSessionConfiguration object you use to create your session:

Note While these session configuration properties are also available on URLRequest, it’s better to configure this on the session.

There’s no option that forces a connection to run over a specific interface. In most cases you don’t need this — it’s better to use the allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess and allowsExpensiveNetworkAccess properties — but there are some situations where that’s necessary. For advice on this front, see Running an HTTP Request over WWAN.

BSD Sockets

BSD Sockets has very few options in this space. One thing that’s easy and obvious is setting the local address of a connection: Do that by passing the address to bind.

Alternatively, to force a connection to run over a specific interface, set the IP_BOUND_IF (IPv4) or IPV6_BOUND_IF (IPv6) socket options.

Revision History

  • 2025-01-21 Added a link to Broadcasts and Multicasts, Hints and Tips. Made other minor editorial changes.

  • 2023-07-18 First posted.

Don’t Try to Get the Device’s IP Address