Network Interface APIs

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For important background information, read Extra-ordinary Networking before reading this.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Network Interface APIs

Most developers don’t need to interact directly with network interfaces. If you do, read this post for a summary of the APIs available to you.

Before you read this, read Network Interface Concepts.

Interface List

The standard way to get a list of interfaces and their addresses is getifaddrs. To learn more about this API, see its man page.

A network interface has four fundamental attributes:

  • A set of flags — These are packed into a CUnsignedInt. The flags bits are declared in <net/if.h>, starting with IFF_UP.

  • An interface type — See Network Interface Type, below.

  • An interface index — Valid indexes are greater than 0.

  • A BSD interface name. For example, an Ethernet interface might be called en0. The interface name is shared between multiple network interfaces running over a given hardware interface. For example, IPv4 and IPv6 running over that Ethernet interface will both have the name en0.

WARNING BSD interface names are not considered API. There’s no guarantee, for example, that an iPhone’s Wi-Fi interface is en0.

You can map between the last two using if_indextoname and if_nametoindex. See the if_indextoname man page for details.

An interface may also have address information. If present, this always includes the interface address (ifa_addr) and the network mask (ifa_netmask). In addition:

  • Broadcast-capable interfaces (IFF_BROADCAST) have a broadcast address (ifa_broadaddr, which is an alias for ifa_dstaddr).

  • Point-to-point interfaces (IFF_POINTOPOINT) have a destination address (ifa_dstaddr).

Calling getifaddrs from Swift is a bit tricky. For an example of this, see QSocket: Interfaces.

IP Address List

Once you have getifaddrs working, it’s relatively easy to manipulate the results to build a list of just IP addresses, a list of IP addresses for each interface, and so on. QSocket: Interfaces has some Swift snippets that show this.

Interface List Updates

The interface list can change over time. Hardware interfaces can be added and removed, network interfaces come up and go down, and their addresses can change. It’s best to avoid caching information from getifaddrs. If thats unavoidable, use the kNotifySCNetworkChange Darwin notification to update your cache. For information about registering for Darwin notifications, see the notify man page (in section 3).

This notification just tells you that something has changed. It’s up to you to fetch the new interface list and adjust your cache accordingly.

You’ll find that this notification is sometimes posted numerous times in rapid succession. To avoid unnecessary thrashing, debounce it.

While the Darwin notification API is easy to call from Swift, Swift does not import kNotifySCNetworkChange. To fix that, define that value yourself, calling a C function to get the value:

var kNotifySCNetworkChange: UnsafePointer<CChar> {

Here’s what that C function looks like:

extern const char * networkChangeNotifyKey(void) {
    return kNotifySCNetworkChange;

Network Interface Type

There are two ways to think about a network interface’s type. Historically there were a wide variety of weird and wonderful types of network interfaces. The following code gets this legacy value for a specific BSD interface name:

func legacyTypeForInterfaceNamed(_ name: String) -> UInt8? {
    var addrList: UnsafeMutablePointer<ifaddrs>? = nil
    let err = getifaddrs(&addrList)
    // In theory we could check `errno` here but, honestly, what are gonna
    // do with that info?
        err >= 0,
        let first = addrList
    else { return nil }
    defer { freeifaddrs(addrList) }
    return sequence(first: first, next: { $0.pointee.ifa_next })
        .compactMap { addr in
                let nameC = addr.pointee.ifa_name,
                name == String(cString: nameC),
                let sa = addr.pointee.ifa_addr,
                sa.pointee.sa_family == AF_LINK,
                let data = addr.pointee.ifa_data
            else { return nil }
            return data.assumingMemoryBound(to: if_data.self).pointee.ifi_type

The values are defined in <net/if_types.h>, starting with IFT_OTHER.

However, this value is rarely useful because many interfaces ‘look like’ Ethernet and thus have a type of IFT_ETHER.

Network framework has the concept of an interface’s functional type. This is an indication of how the interface fits into the system. There are two ways to get an interface’s functional type:

  • If you’re using Network framework and have an NWInterface value, get the type property.

  • If not, call ioctl with a SIOCGIFFUNCTIONALTYPE request. The return values are defined in <net/if.h>, starting with IFRTYPE_FUNCTIONAL_UNKNOWN.

Swift does not import SIOCGIFFUNCTIONALTYPE, so it’s best to write this code in a C:

extern uint32_t functionalTypeForInterfaceNamed(const char * name) {
    int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
    if (fd < 0) { return IFRTYPE_FUNCTIONAL_UNKNOWN; }

    struct ifreq ifr = {};
    strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));

    bool success = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFUNCTIONALTYPE, &ifr) >= 0;

    int junk = close(fd);
    assert(junk == 0);
    if ( ! success ) { return IFRTYPE_FUNCTIONAL_UNKNOWN; }
    return ifr.ifr_ifru.ifru_functional_type;
Network Interface APIs