How to set NSCollectionLayoutVisibleItem's name property for use in UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout?

I'm Using UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout with a section provider and I set the NSCollectionLayoutSectionVisibleItemsInvalidationHandler on a particular section.

The NSCollectionLayoutSectionVisibleItemsInvalidationHandler hands back an array of objects conforming to the NSCollectionLayoutVisibleItem protocol which has a name property which always appears to be nil.

I figured there must be a way to use this name property to make it easier to do look up for the NSCollectionLayoutVisibleItem objects I'm actually looking. Is there a way to make this property nonnil?

Does it get set to the UICollectionViewCell's reuse identifier or something (I'm currently using UICollectionViewCellRegistration)?

Is there any documentation on the name property?

How to set NSCollectionLayoutVisibleItem's name property for use in UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout?