Is GKLocalPlayer's gamePlayerID different from the gamePlayerID other players in the GKMatch can access/see?

I'm trying to make a real-time peer-to-peer multiplayer game with GameKit/Game Center. I'm trying to store a dictionary of player IDs and scores ([String:Int]) to keep track of and share player scores during a game. Essentially, I want to be able to increment the score of a player locally, then send the updated scores dictionary to all the other players.

However, the GKLocalPlayer.local.gamePlayerID seems to be in a completely different format than any other connected GKPlayer, so when I try to access the GKMatch.players with the gamePlayerID, it isn't found (and yes, I'm aware that GKMatch.players doesn't contain the local player).

The GKPlayer has an 18-digit long integer, whereas the GKLocalPlayer has A:_ and then a long hexadecimal number (I think it's 37 digits in decimal).

Can someone explain this difference or point to some resources that explain how I can implement this functionality correctly?

Here's a simplified example of what I'm doing:

var scores: [String:Int] // dictionary of [gamePlayerID:Score]
scores[myMatch.players.first.gamePlayerID] = 3
scores[GKLocalPlayer.local.gamePlayerID] = 5

sendScores(scores) // sends data to all players using myMatch.sendData()

   When the receiving players decode and try to access scores[gamePlayerIDOfSendingPlayer], 
   it isn't found because it's different from that player's gamePlayerID 
   in the receiving player's GKMatch.players array

Have you ever managed to get to the bottom of this? Currently trying to figure out the same thing. I've found a way around it by simply using GKPlayer.displayName (as I understand they're also meant to be unique) but this solution is far from ideal.

Is GKLocalPlayer's gamePlayerID different from the gamePlayerID other players in the GKMatch can access/see?