iPad UIScaling


I spent several days designing an app. Then when it came time to test it on my iPad, the scaling is weird. Based on my research I have to do something with the LaunchScreen. However, there wasn't enough details on that. Can somebody please give me more insight on this? Or give me another solution to properly scaling the UI view?

You haven't given us much to go on. What is "weird" about the scaling?

If this is a SwiftUI app, it doesn't use a LaunchScreen, so that probably isn't what's going on here.

@Polyphonic Yes, it is a SwiftUI application. It scales larger and outside of the frame. I designed the app based on size accordingly to the 6th generation iPad. However, I am testing it on a 10th generation iPad. They are both different screen sizes, therefore they must be scaled appropriately. How would I go about adjusting the scaling so that it can fit properly to any accessible iPad.

You should show some code for views that do not scale properly and show the views on the different iPad where correct and not. How have you defined the subviews ? Are they in some stack (HStack, VStack) ? If so, they should position automatically.

So please, show code and screenshots.

Here is what it's supposed to look like:

Here is what it currently looks like (ignore the differentiating colors):

Here is my code:

                .frame(width: 1350, height: 1000)
                .offset(y: 80)
                .offset(x: 150)
                    .offset(x: 100)
                    .offset(x: 55)

iPad UIScaling