Unable to install Command Line Developer Tools


I am trying to reinstall ffmpeg n terminal however keep getting a message saying.

Error: python 3.9: the bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed. You can install them, if desired, with: xcode-select --install

So I enter xcode-select --install in terminal and a window opens telling me the xcode select command requires the command line developer tools and do I wish to install the. I click on Install and get agreement window which I agree and then two windows: "Continue on battery power" and :Finding Software" If I click 'Continue on battery power", immediately the progress bar jumps to about 1/6 progress and then never moves any further. With or without a mains lead connected? Any help to resolve this? I have seen advice on installing the command line tools direct from the Apple Developer Page, but cannot find a correct link.

Many thanks.

Answered by ssmith_c in 761283022

go to developer.apple.com, click on Develop, then Downloads. That should take you to developer.apple.com/downloads. Click on the More link in the top right, then search for "command line tools"

Accepted Answer

go to developer.apple.com, click on Develop, then Downloads. That should take you to developer.apple.com/downloads. Click on the More link in the top right, then search for "command line tools"

Unable to install Command Line Developer Tools