Detecting Tap Location on detected "PlaneAnchor"? Replacement for Raycast?

While PlaneAnchors are still not generated by the PlaneDetectionProvider in the simulator, I am still brainstorming how to detect a tap on one of the planes.

In an iOS ARKit application I could use a raycastQuery on existingPlaneGeometry to make an anchor with the raycast result's world transform.

I've not yet found the VisionOS replacement for this.

A possible hunch is that I need to install my own mesh-less PlaneModelEntities for each planeAnchor that's returned by the PlaneDetectionProvider. From there I can use a TapGesture targeted to those models? And then I could build a an WorldAnchor from the tap location on those entities.

Anyone have any ideas?

Answered by arthurfromberlin in 761348022

Hi, I've found that you can retrieve the RealityKit Scene from an entity, once added (subscribe to the event). Then you can use the Scene's Raycast methods, e.g:😷 relativeto:) For that to work though you would need to create CollisionShapes for either the detected planes or the reconstructed world mesh geometry.

Accepted Answer

Hi, I've found that you can retrieve the RealityKit Scene from an entity, once added (subscribe to the event). Then you can use the Scene's Raycast methods, e.g:😷 relativeto:) For that to work though you would need to create CollisionShapes for either the detected planes or the reconstructed world mesh geometry.

Detecting Tap Location on detected "PlaneAnchor"? Replacement for Raycast?