




Loading USDZ with particle system crashes on Intel Macs
Hello, we have a RealityKit app that also runs on macOS via Catalyst. For specific USD assets containing particle systems we have observed a reproducible crash. Steps to reproduce: Open Reality Composer Pro Create new file Create simple particle system (default one is fine) export as USDZ Create project in Xcode Call Entity.load(… and pass in your USD Running this on an Intel iMac with macOS Sequoia 15.3 will lead to a crash with the following console log: validateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline DescrvalidateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline Descriptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepthvalidateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline Descriptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepthvalidateWithDevice:4704: failed assertion `Render Pipeline Descriptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil8) must match. ' iptor Validation depthAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatDepth32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil8) must match. ' 32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil32Float) and stencilAttachmentPixelFormat (MTLPixelFormatStencil8) must match. ' 8) must match. ' Xcode version: 16.2.0 iMac 2020 3,8GHz Intel Core i7 macOS Sequoia 15.3 FB16477373 It would be great if this could be fixed quickly or a workaround provided since it affects or production app. Thank you!
Building visionOS app with Firebase Source Distribution in Xcode Cloud
I have a working Xcode Cloud setup for my iOS and macOS targets, and I'm trying to add visionOS support. The issue is that Firebase requires using their source distribution for visionOS (instead of their default binary distribution). Locally, this works by launching Xcode with: open -a Xcode --env FIREBASE_SOURCE_FIRESTORE project.xcodeproj For Xcode Cloud, I've added a script that sets this environment variable for visionOS builds: #!/bin/bash if [[ $CI_PRODUCT_PLATFORM == "xrOS" ]]; then echo "Running setup for visionOS..." export FIREBASE_SOURCE_FIRESTORE=1 fi However, I'm getting the following error during build: an out-of-date resolved file was detected at /.../project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved, which is not allowed when automatic dependency resolution is disabled So since setting FIREBASE_SOURCE_FIRESTORE=1 changes which SPM dependencies are required: Normal setup uses: abseil-cpp-binary, grpc-binary Source distribution needs: abseil-cpp-swiftpm, grpc-ios, boringssl-swiftpm What's the recommended way to handle this in Xcode Cloud when maintaining builds for all platforms? Should I be using separate workflows with different branches for different platforms? Or is there a better approach? System: Xcode 16.2 Using SPM for dependency management Firebase iOS SDK 10.29.0 Building for iOS, macOS, and visionOS Thanks in advance for any guidance!
Mac Catalyst SwiftUI – . focused() not working
Hello, given this following simple SwiftUI setup: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { CustomFocusView() } } struct CustomFocusView: View { @FocusState private var isFocused: Bool var body: some View { color .frame(width: 128, height: 128) .focusable(true) .focused($isFocused) .onTapGesture { isFocused.toggle() } .onKeyPress("a") { print("A pressed") return .handled } } var color: Color { isFocused ? .blue : .red } } If I run this via Mac – Designed for iPad, the CustomFocusView toggles focus as expected and cycles through red and blue. Now if I run this same exact code via Mac Catalyst absolutely nothing happens and so far I wasn't able to ever get this view to accept focused state. Is this expected? I would appreciate if anyone could hint me on how to get this working. Thank and best regards!
Jan ’25
USDZ with Blend Shapes Workflow Recommendations
Hi, since RealityKit 4 now supports Blend Shapes I was wondering if there are any workflow or tooling recommendations to bake/export them into a USDZ. Are Blender or Cinema4D capable to do that out of the box? Should we look into NVIDIA omniverse ( So far this topic seems very sparsely documented and I would appreciate any hints. Thank you!
Oct ’24
App Clip Support for visionOS
Hi, We've been leveraging AppClips on iOS for a while now to distribute native-app quality AR experiences (utilising ARKit and RealityKit) with the accessibility of a website. This has been a crucial differentiator for us and is a core driver for our business. Since our authoring tools also allows to run the same AR experiences on Vision Pro it would be amazing if they could be triggered by App Clips here as well. We've got this feedback from clients and users multiple times and since there seems to already be some basic App Clips support (e.g when registering the custom lens inserts) integrated into the system we would immensely appreciate if this feature could be opened up for 3rd party developers as well. Associated feedback ID: FB13348462 Thank you!
Sep ’24
RealityKit/ARKit Environment Texturing broken on iOS 18
Devices running iOS 18 using RealityKit do not seem to receive lighting supplied via ARKit Environment Texturing ( Instead just a default IBL is used by RealityKit. This happens with RealityView as well as ARView. It also happens when I explicitly opt-in to environment texturing: let worldTrackingConfig = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration() worldTrackingConfig.environmentTexturing = .automatic Even the Xcode AR Template has this issue. I'm attaching a screenshot of the sample app running on iOS 18 where it's broken and from iOS 17 where it works as expected. I hope this can get resolved quickly since I see it as a major regression. Feedback ID: FB15091335 UPDATE: It works on my older iPhone XS (iOS 18 22A5282m) Broken on iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation) (iPadOS 18.0 (22A5350a)) Maybe it's related to LiDAR? Thank you! iOS 17 (works): iOS 18 (broken):
Sep ’24
Xcode 16 – Symbol not found: ShapeResource generateConvex
Hi, I have a RealityKit app that I am building with Xcode 16. The app has a minimum deployment target of iOS 17. If I run it on an iOS 17 device the app crashes: dyld[15716]: Symbol not found: _$s10RealityKit13ShapeResourceC14generateConvex4fromAcA04MeshD0C_tYaKFZ Referenced from: … Expected in: …/System/Library/Frameworks/RealityFoundation.framework/RealityFoundation My code looks something like this: @available(iOS, introduced: 13.0, obsoleted: 18.0) @MainActor @preconcurrency func generateNonAsyncConvexShapeResource(from meshResource: MeshResource) throws -> ShapeResource { ShapeResource.generateConvex(from: meshResource) } @available(iOS 18.0, *) func generateConvexShapeAsync(from meshResource: MeshResource) async throws -> ShapeResource { // This will only be available for iOS 18 and above return try await ShapeResource.generateConvex(from: meshResource) } if let meshResource = try? modelEntity.model?.mesh.applying(transform: transform.matrix) { if #available(visionOS 1.0, iOS 18.0, *) { try? await generateConvexShapeAsync(from: meshResource)// await shapeResources.append(.generateConvex(from: meshResource)) } else { try? generateNonAsyncConvexShapeResource(from: meshResource) } } So I actually do check for the system and only call the async variant on iOS 18. Any hints how to fix that? Thanks!
Sep ’24
ShaderGraphMaterial with Occlusion Surface Output fails to load on iOS and macOS
A ShaderGraphMaterial with an Occlusion Surface Output generated with RealityComposer 2 fails to load on iOS 18 and macOS 15 with the following error: RealityFoundation.ShaderGraphMaterial.LoadError.invalidTypeFound ( This happens with both and RealityView { content in do { let bgEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateCone(height: 0.5, radius: 0.1), materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .red, isMetallic: true)]) bgEntity.position.z = -0.2 content.add(bgEntity) let occlusionMaterial = try await ShaderGraphMaterial(named: "/Root/OcclusionMaterial", from: "OcclusionMaterial") let testEntity = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateSphere(radius: 0.4), materials: [occlusionMaterial]) content.add(testEntity) content.cameraTarget = testEntity } catch { print("Shader Graph Load Error:") dump(error) } } .realityViewCameraControls(.orbit) .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) Feedback ID: FB15081296
Sep ’24
Blurred Background (RealityKit) Shader Graph Node not working on iOS/macOS
The ShaderGraph Node Blurred Background (RealityKit) – works fine within the RealityComposer Pro 2 editor but isn't working on iOS 18 or macOS 15. Instead of the blurred content it just renders as opaque in a single color (Screenshot 2). Interestingly it also fails to render within RealityComposer Pro when no other entities are within the scene, e.g only a background skybox set. Expected Behavior: It would be great if this node worked the same way as it does on visionOS since this would allow for really interesting and nice effects for scenes. Feedback ID: FB15081190
Sep ’24
OcclusionMaterial renders plain black when custom skybox environment is set
Using OcclusionMaterial on macOS and iOS works fine in Non-AR mode when I set the background to just a simple color ( but when I set a custom skybox ( the OcclusionMaterial renders as fully black. I would expect it to properly occlude the content and show through the skybox behind it. This happens with box ARView and RealityView. On current iOS/macOS Betas as well as on older systems, e.g iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma. Feedback ID: FB15081053
Sep ’24
realitytool requires Metal for this operation and it is not available in this build environment
Hello, I'm getting started for my project with Xcode Cloud since I upgraded to the macOS Sequioa Beta and Xcode 16 now refuses to archive builds for TestFlight. Somewhere very late in the build process I get the following error: realitytool requires Metal for this operation and it is not available in this build environment The log says this happens at: Compile Skybox urban.skybox My project uses RealityKit. How can I fix this issue? Thanks!
Sep ’24
macOS Sequoia – NSToolbar on Catalyst disappeared
Hello, I have a macOS Catalyst app that I now began updating and building against the iOS 18/macOS Sequoia SDKs. Most things appear to be working just fine as before, apart from my NSToolbar. At the root of my app I am presenting a UISplitViewController which gets a custom SidebarViewController and a UITabBarController as its viewControllers. Then at same point in the apps lifecycle the UITabBarController presents another ViewController modally. I then associate the controllers window with a custom NSToolbar like this: let toolbar = NSToolbar(identifier: "mainToolbar") toolbar.displayMode = .iconAndLabel toolbar.delegate = self toolbar.allowsUserCustomization = false titleBar.toolbarStyle = .automatic titleBar.titleVisibility = .hidden titleBar.toolbar = toolbar I also disable automatic NSToolbar hosting via: (returning .none). Now all of this worked fine on macOS Sonoma and previous versions but on Sequoia my custom toolbar refuses to show up. My suspicion is that is has something to do with the new tab and sidebar behaviour introduced with the new SDKs ( For now within my UITabBarController I was able to revert to the old look using: if #available(iOS 18.0, *) { mode = .tabSidebar sidebar.isHidden = true isTabBarHidden = true } This result in a look similar to the previous macOS version but my NSToolbar unfortunately remains hidden. Is there an easy fix for this? Since I am a solo developer I would prefer to spend my available resources currently on other features and adopt the new tab/sidebars a couple months down the line. Appreciate any help and hints, thanks! There used to be a toolbar here on the right side. ↑
Sep ’24
PortalComponent – allow world content to peek out
Hello, I've been tinkering with PortalComponent on visionOS a bit but noticed that the content of the WorldComponent is always clipped to the mesh geometry of whatever entities have the PortalComponent applied. Now I'm wondering if there is any way or trick to allow contents of the portal to peek out – similar to the Encounter Dinosaurs experience on Vision Pro (I assume it also uses PortalComponent?). I saw that PortalComponent has a clippingPlane property ( But so far I haven't been able to achieve a perceptible visual difference with it. If possible I would like to avoid hacky tricks using duplicate meshes or similar to achieve this. Thanks for any hints!
Feb ’24
Render Menu Items with Icon (e.g SFSymbol) on Catalyst
Hello, is there a recommended way to render Menu items, e.g in a SwiftUI ContextMenu with icon (SFSymbols)? Let's say I have the following setup: Both buttons render fine on native macOS (e.g Sonoma) but Catalyst refuses to render the symbol at all. I tried every possible combination I could think off. The only way I found was to directly copy and paste a symbol from the SF symbols app and inline it with the label string as unicode. Unfortunately I have a couple custom SF symbols so this isn't really an option for me. I feel like this is a perfectly valid usecase, as it makes the menu visually a lot easier scannable. With UIKit and Ventura this at least worked for Menubar items but now also seems broken on Sonoma. I would greatly appreciate any hints. Thanks!
Nov ’23