Availability of Low-Level APIs

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I regularly see folks confused by this point so I decided to write it up in a single place.

If you have questions or comments about this, start a new thread here on DevForums. Tag your thread with something appropriate for the API you’re trying to use. If nothing leaps out, Kernel is a good option [1].

IMPORTANT I don’t work for App Review and can’t make definitive statements on their behalf. All of the following is about whether an API is available for you to use, not whether App Review will approve your specific usage.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

[1] Because of the KPI aspect of this, discussed below.

Availability of Low-Level APIs

Every now and again I see questions like this:

The developer documentation has no entry for getpid. How can that not be API?

Or this:

I want to call mach_absolute_time on iOS. Its documentation says that it’s only available on macOS. But it’s in the iOS SDK and it works just fine. Is it OK for me to use it in my iOS app?

These questions arise because:

These questions most often crop up in the context of obscure low-level APIs, but many obviously valid low-level APIs have the same issue and no one worries about those. For example, Apple Developer Documentation has no documentation for the printf API [2], but no one asks whether it’s OK to use printf!

Given the above, it’s clear that you can’t infer anything about the availability of an API based on its state in Apple Developer Documentation. Rather, the acid test for availability is:

  • Is it declared in a platform SDK header?

  • Is it not marked as unavailable on that platform? [3]

  • Does the platform SDK have a stub library [4] that makes its symbol available to the linker?

If the answer to all four questions is “yes”, the API is available on that platform.

[1] The kernel does not support frameworks but bundling these KPIs into Kernel.framework within the macOS SDK makes some degree of sense from a tooling perspective, and that logic flows through to the documentation.

[2] There’s a documentation page for the KPI, but that’s not the same thing.

[3] Sorry for the double negative but it’s the only way to capture an important subtlety. If the header contains a declaration with no availability markings, that API is available on all platforms. A classic example of this is printf.

[4] If you’re not familiar with the term stub library, see An Apple Library Primer.

Hints and Tips

In general, prefer high-level APIs over low-level ones. For example, prefer Date, or even gettimeofday or clock_gettime, over mach_absolute_time. However, that’s only a general guideline. In some cases the low-level API really is the right one to use.

Just because something is an API doesn’t mean that there aren’t any restrictions on it. mach_absolute_time is a perfect example of this. Using it for highly accurate performance analysis of your code is fine, but using it for fingerprinting is not. See Describing use of required reason API.

If you can’t find adequate documentation for an API you’re using, always look in the headers for doc comments. In some cases that’s the only source of documentation. However, even if the API is reasonably well documented, the headers might contain critical tidbits that slipped through the cracks.

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