Can't complete restore once in Beta WatchOS

Has anyone been able to do a restore while in WatchOS beta 10? I don't mean to a previous WatchOS version. I mean to the same WatchOS beta version 10.0. I unpaired my watch and then attempted to re-pair it and restore from backup to the same watchOS I had before un-pairing. For the most part it worked, EXCEPT the majority of the Apple Apps are stuck trying to download. Mail is stuck, Wallet is stuck, Find... is stuck. To be clear, I don't want to downgrade. I just want these apps to complete their downloading so I can use my watch as before I restored it. I am guess that it's trying to download these apps, but they are not compatible with the beta. So how do I get them back? Do you think they will download the next time there is an update? Help!

Can't complete restore once in Beta WatchOS