Can't find WorldSensingUsageDescription

I can't find WorldSensingUsageDescription key in the plist. Anyone else with the same problem? I am using Xcode Beta 15.6

BR Patrick

Answered by dctang in 762508022

Just directly add "NSWorldSensingUsageDescription" as a string key type to your 'info.plist'

But the "WorldSensing" feature of ARKit in visionOS is not working when you use the Simulator.

print("SceneReconstructionProvider: \(SceneReconstructionProvider.isSupported)") // false
print("WorldTrackingProvider: \(WorldTrackingProvider.isSupported)") // true
print("PlaneDetectionProvider: \(PlaneDetectionProvider.isSupported)") // false
print("HandTrackingProvider: \(HandTrackingProvider.isSupported)") // false
print("ImageTrackingProvider: \(ImageTrackingProvider.isSupported)") // false

Accepted Answer

Just directly add "NSWorldSensingUsageDescription" as a string key type to your 'info.plist'

But the "WorldSensing" feature of ARKit in visionOS is not working when you use the Simulator.

print("SceneReconstructionProvider: \(SceneReconstructionProvider.isSupported)") // false
print("WorldTrackingProvider: \(WorldTrackingProvider.isSupported)") // true
print("PlaneDetectionProvider: \(PlaneDetectionProvider.isSupported)") // false
print("HandTrackingProvider: \(HandTrackingProvider.isSupported)") // false
print("ImageTrackingProvider: \(ImageTrackingProvider.isSupported)") // false

Can't find WorldSensingUsageDescription