Captive Network Assistant (CNA) only loading content if cellular data in service

Strange one...

We have a WiFi guest portal setup and the CNA pops up as expected upon connecting to the network. It loads the splash page inside the CNA and all is good so far. All domains/URLs that we use within the CNA are allowed/whitelisted before authentication.

However, after clicking the Continue button (which performs a POST via the javascript native fetch) and then performs a window.location to the returned URL in the fetch response, it is only redirecting to this new page is there is an active, in service SIM card present.

If I turn cellular data off, or remove the SIM, it doesn't redirect to the next page.

P.S. If I choose "Cancel" and then "Use Without Internet" and open Safari, visit (which will force a redirect to the splash page) and use the exact same Continue button as above, it works as expected without any requirement for a data connection.

What can be making this only work if there is a cellular data connection when the whole point of the CNA is to load all content over the WiFi connection?

Also, is there any way to debug or attach a console to the CNA window so that I can actually debug it to see what is happening like you can with Safari windows?


Captive Network Assistant (CNA) only loading content if cellular data in service