Override RoomPlan coaching prompts...

We want to be able to use our own prompt / coaching for RoomPlan

I see that I can override the following method to see the RoomCaptureSession.Instruction and then add or our UI to coach the customer

    func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didProvide instruction: RoomCaptureSession.Instruction) {
        Logger.log(.info, category: .roomplan, message: "RoomCaptureSession.Instruction(\(instruction))")
        // Show coaching prompts

However, I don't know how to remove the coaching UI provided by the OS.

If I disable coaching

        sessionConfig = RoomCaptureSession.Configuration()
        sessionConfig.isCoachingEnabled = false

Then the callback above was not being called.

I really want a willProvide method that I can return 'false' to say that I want to give my own UI instead of the UI provided by RoomPlan.

Is there a way to provide my own ui for these RoomCaptureSession.Instructions?

Thanks in advance

I am using RoomCaptureView. If I use my own ARView and allocate my own RoomCaptureSession will I be able to do what I want?

Override RoomPlan coaching prompts...