Does the PKPassLibraryRemotePaymentPassesDidChange notification inform my application when an NFC tag is read by a reader?

Greetings, Question 1: I'm currently working on implementing a feature that involves tracking NFC tag reading events. Specifically, I aim to monitor these events for passes that have been added to the wallet using my application. This way, I can gain insights into the interactions users have with these passes and provide enhanced functionality based on their usage patterns.

Question 2: Is there a way to implement a restriction on NFC-based passes, allowing them to be used only once for a specific action or purpose? I'm looking to ensure that once a user utilizes the NFC feature associated with a pass, the pass becomes inactive for any future interactions, thereby enforcing a one-time use scenario.

Does the PKPassLibraryRemotePaymentPassesDidChange notification inform my application when an NFC tag is read by a reader?