Error in tutorial AboutMe

Trying to learn swift by going through the tutorial AboutMe.

see code below:

struct Info { let image: String let name: String let story: String let hobbies: [String] let foods: [String] let colors: [Color] let funFacts: [String] }

let information = Info( image: "Placeholder", name: "My Name", story: "A story can be about anything you can dream up. There are no right answers, there is no one else.\n\nNeed some inspiration?\n• 🐶🐱🛶️🎭🎤🎧🎸\n• 🏄‍♀️🚵‍♀️🚴‍♀️⛵️🥾🏂⛷📚\n• ✍️🥖☕️🏋️‍♂️🚲🧗‍♀️ ", hobbies: ["bicycle", "ticket.fill", "book.fill"],

the var information does not appear to be defined anywhere. Step 3 in this section says This value, information, uses the Info structure to store all of the data used in your app. You can refer to this global variable by its name from any file of the project. But no explanation on where that definition takes place. This causes a 'not found in scope' error elsewhere in the project.

Where should this be defined and of what type?

Error in tutorial AboutMe