Merchant or device token?

I'm trying to get a merchant token using the apple demo code including the "recurringPaymentRequest" subitem. My question is, how do I know what sort of token Apple returned? The documentation I've found says

“Apple Pay issues an Apple Pay Merchant Token if the user’s payment network supports merchant-specific payment tokens. Otherwise, Apple Pay issues a device token for the payment request.”

I believe our payment network (TSYS) supports this, but I think I'm only getting device tokens (they appear to only allow one charge). Is there something within the onpaymentauthorized event object that definitively identifies what sort of token we received?

Hi @stlmuelk ,

By any chance if you are able to find a solution to this problem, could you please let us know? Looking forward to your response.


Hi @stlmuelk/ @wlpayments , Were you able to get any update on the above issue? I was able to request the recurringpayment and i can see it is displayed in applepay wallet as well with the recurring information. And also the i am getting encrypted payload, but it doesnt have any merchat token related info like merchantokenidentifier or meta.

I believe as per the recurringpayment request, payload is supposed to include merchant token data.

Thanks in advance.

I'm very happy to learn the solution here. AP/GP+AmEx will not return a wellformed paymentprofileID token, where Visa/MC do, for I can run createTransactionRequest on AP+AmEx just fine, but no ability to do merchant-initiated recharge token (non-recurring). The paymentprofileID returned by authorize then generates a general error 35 which authorize nor firstdata nor amex will take ownership of.

Merchant or device token?