VisionOS Simulator and ARKit Features

I have a few problems with the visionOS Simulator. The visionOS simulator does not show up the World Sense permission Pop-up Window, although I have entered the NSWorldSensingUsageDescription in the info.plist. As a result, my app always crashes in the visionOS simulator when I want to run the PlaneDetectionProvider or the SceneReconstructionProvider on my AR session with the Error: „Plane D“ So I can’t test ARKit features in my simulator.

But I have already seen a few videos in which ARKit functions - such as the PlaneDetection - work in the simulator, as in the video I have attached here. Have you had similar experiences to me, or does it work for you without any problems?

Correct, in betas 1-3 of VisionOS ARKit data provides like plane detectors and scene reconstruction do not work.

You can make an AnchorEntity of type plane and it will find a surface, though.

@Caneto This is a relevant thread, even if it doesn't provide any solution to your problem. Feel free to file a feedback with Apple to put this higher on their list of things to solve.

VisionOS Simulator and ARKit Features