Upgrading the OS to seed 2... (not higher)

My device has seed 1 installed. When I attempt to update, the only option is to install seed 3. Unfortunately the Unity SDK requires seed 2 at this point. Is there anyway to install seed 2 only?


You should be able to install Xcode 15 beta 5 from this download page:


Then you should be able to get Xcode 15 beta 5 to download the seed 2 simulator (or you can download it manually from the same place).

Thank you, but we are looking for a way to install seed 2 on device, not simulator. The dev kit device is preinstalled with seed 1, and through the update panel, the only option is update to seed 3. Looking for way to update the headset to a version other than the latest.

Upgrading the OS to seed 2... (not higher)