Why does icloud.com rate emails with an ICL SCORE >4

We send out a transactional emails and have made all the important configurations (mail tester score 9.5 to 10 out of 10 points; DKIM, DMARC, SPF, etc.). However, Icloud.com marks our emails as SPAM and gives an X-ICL SCORE of 4.333034030041. Apparently a value >4 is classified as SPAM for iCloud. How do I find out what exactly is driving the value up to 4 so I can improve that?

Dear @mrmol

did you figured out what was triggering the spam score? Unfortunately, I do have the same issue :-/



Same issue here with a Customer I work with. any News or Updates on this ?

Why does icloud.com rate emails with an ICL SCORE >4