OAuth and Apple Watch authentication

I work in an app that has a companion Apple Watch app.

Previously, we used a token for authenticate request that didn't really expire, now we are fixing this and using an OAuth provider for the authentication token.

Now, with the username/password of the user we get an OAuth token for the iOS app. We can refresh the OAuth token only once, after that, the refresh token gets invalidated. That's not a problem for the iOS app as we get a new access/refresh token.

In the case of the watch app. I'm curious which kinds of strategies do people use to authenticate the user in the watch app.

Previously, we just shared the non-expiring token via watch connectivity and that was good enough. Now we won't be able to do that with the iOS app's OAuth token, as we can only use the refresh token once. So sharing that token between 2 apps doesn't work.

I wonder what people use in this situation? specially for users that are already logged in, so we cannot get an independent token for the watch app with the username/password combination.

  • how do you use OAuth between the iOS and watchOS apps?
  • which oauth flows do you use in your apps?
  • how would you solve this case?


as a compliment to my question. A couple years ago, there was a talk https://developer.apple.com/wwdc21/10003 that mentioned sharing the OAuth token with Synced Keychain Items.

That implies sharing the OAuth token, which I cannot do, but also has the effect (depending on the implementation) that if you log in on iOS, you will be logged in on the iPad and Mac if the app is present in those platforms, the same goes with log out.

Also, some of our users actually share Apple ID, which caused some issues for those users as well

OAuth and Apple Watch authentication