NEPacketTunnelProvider sleepWithCompletionHandler: and wake methods are called with high frequency

The documentation explains that the NEPacketTunnelProvider's sleepWithCompletionHandler: and wake methods are called when the device is going to sleep or waking up. The expectation is that the device will enter and remain in a sleep state for some extended period of time.

On iOS 17 we're seeing the PacketTunnelProvider receive wake calls almost immediately. Is there a known issue where the PacketTunnelProvider does Not remain in a sleep state?

In our logging, we see the PacketTunnelProvider is constantly alternating between sleep/wake states.

  • On iOS 16, these methods are called on an average of 42 seconds apart from each other.
    • In some cases, we do see the device in a sleep state for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • On iOS 17, these methods are called on an average of 6 seconds apart from each other.
    • The device only sleeps for a few seconds and Not for minutes.
    • This will drain the battery. Will the app be charged for battery usage if the OS decides Not to remain in sleep mode?
    • Is there a bug where the an iOS 17 device running a VPN will not stay in sleep mode?

Also, we do Not modify the NEVPNProtocol's disconnectOnSleep field. ie Should be defaulting to NO

On a device running iOS 16.3.1, with the screen locked and un-plugged from a power source

  • PID 4574: across 9.6 minutes (576 seconds)
    • Connected to Wi-Fi.
    • 10 calls (5 sleep / 5 wake)
    • Avg frequency of 57.6 seconds apart.
  • PID 4581: across 10.3 minutes (616 seconds)
    • Wi-Fi disabled, Connected to Cellular.
    • 22 calls (11 sleep / 11 wake)
    • Avg frequency of 28 seconds apart.
  • PID 4600: across 10.6 minutes (635 seconds)
    • Connected to Wi-Fi.
    • 12 calls (6 sleep / 6 wake)
    • Avg frequency of 52.92 seconds apart.

(576 + 616 + 635) = 1827 seconds.
(10 + 22 + 12) = 44 calls.
1827 / 44 = 41.52 seconds.

On a device running iOS 17.0 (Build 21A5326a), connected to Wi-Fi:

  • PID 14357: across 94.7 minutes (5682 seconds)
    • 1034 calls (517 sleep / 517 wake)
    • Avg frequency of 5.5 seconds apart.
  • PID 14412: across 92.5 minutes (5547 seconds)
    • 508 calls (254 sleep / 254 wake)
    • Avg frequency of 10.9 seconds apart.
  • PID 14721: across 92.5 minutes (5547 seconds)
    • 1248 calls (624 sleep / 624 wake)
    • Avg frequency of 4.4 seconds apart.

(5682 + 5547 + 5547) = 16776 seconds.
(1034 + 508 + 1248) = 2790 calls.
16776 / 2790 = 6.01 seconds.

Same question, is there any progress?

NEPacketTunnelProvider sleepWithCompletionHandler: and wake methods are called with high frequency