Passkeys don't respect WebAuthn specs (RP ID)

Looks like a security flow in ASCredentialProviderViewController

  1. Register a new Passkey on
  2. Now iOS 17 (RC) will suggest and permit to select the Passkey to login in, which is agains specs

From specs:

For example, given a Relying Party whose origin is, then the following RP IDs are valid: (default) and, but not and not com.

Also looks like a bug, in this method:

func prepareInterfaceToProvideCredential(for credentialRequest: ASCredentialRequest)

If I've registered my Passkey for RP and trying to login to (the bug). In ASCredentialRequest.credentialIdentity.serviceIdentifier.identifier is but I am trying to login to, from this we can't understand on what RP is this Passkey used and can't restrict the use of Passkey in case it is used on a wrong RP.

P.S: iCloud Passkeys works as expected.

Hey Incogn1to, as a fellow third-party passkey provider, I wonder if you can help. We're debugging an issue with passkey compatibility for Google Accounts:

It's most likely an issue with our specific implementation, but for peace of mind I wanted to ask if you're able to provide passkeys for Google accounts? Google is the only service we're unable to provide passkeys for, so if you're able to then at least I know the issue is on my end. Thanks!

Hey @codecomet,

Looks like you are not following the specs, check this

When you are constructing the AttestationObject the resulting CBOR must be an Ordered Dictionary that has the order:

  1. fmt
  2. attStmt
  3. authData

Looks like other services don't care about this, but Google does :)))

You are welcome.

I think I almost understand the issue, but I have a few followup questions. Can you please submit this through Feedback Assistant, including some additional information?

  1. Are you seeing this in Safari or in an app associated with
  2. Is the RPID of the registered passkey actually or did it get registered for
  3. Did you save the passkey's credential identity to the system through ASCredentialIdentityStore, and if so, what serviceIdentifier did you use?
  4. Is the unexpected passkey being shown on the system QuickType bar or only when pulling up the full list of credentials?

Sample code and/or a screen recording would also be super helpful. Thank you!

I have submitted a feedback FB13165119 (Passkeys don't respect WebAuthn specs (RP ID))

Here is the answer:

  1. Are you seeing this in Safari or in an app associated with

I haven't checked it in other apps only in Safari.

  1. Is the RPID of the registered passkey actually or did it get registered for

I register the Passkey for and NOT

  1. Did you save the passkey's credential identity to the system through ASCredentialIdentityStore, and if so, what serviceIdentifier did you use?

Yes. I save the Passkey with ASCredentialIdentityStore and I set the same value that I get from ASPasskeyCredentialRequest.credentialIdentity.serviceIdentifier.identifier, in this case the

  1. Is the unexpected passkey being shown on the system QuickType bar or only when pulling up the full list of credentials?

The unexpected passkey is being shown on the system QuickType bar as a suggestion to fill when I visit the

And the most strange thing is that when I use the wrong Passkey on in func prepareInterfaceToProvideCredential(for credentialRequest: ASCredentialRequest), the credentialRequest.credentialIdentity.serviceIdentifier.identifier == ""

Hello Incogn1to, could you please share which which library you are using to generate the key pair (ES256) that make up the passkey ?

Thank you!

Passkeys don't respect WebAuthn specs (RP ID)