How to use NEAppProxyProviderManager like NETunnelProviderManager

How to code in the main app to call AppProxyProvider startProxy? The NEAppProxyProviderManager cannot be obtained in the main app, and there is no NEAppProxyProviderProtocol.

What should I do

NEAppProxyProviderManager.loadAllFromPreferences { (managers, error) in
            if let error = error {
                self.state = .failed(error: error)
            } else {
                let manager = managers?.first ?? NEAppProxyProviderManager()
                self.state = .loaded(snapshot: Snapshot(from: manager), manager: manager)

Like this NEAppProxyProviderManager(), find the console output:[] MDM must be used to create NEAppProxyProvider configurations

You can’t configure per-app VPN programmatically. While testing, use NETestAppMapping. I was talking about this with another developer just yesterday. When you deploy your product, you have to configure it using MDM.

ps I’m assuming you’re on iOS. There are more options on macOS.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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How to use NEAppProxyProviderManager like NETunnelProviderManager