SwiftData Macros don't seem to work

I'm following the Build an app with SwiftData from WWDC 2023. I'm using the Xcode release candidate for Xcode 15. i'm running the Developer Beta for Sonoma. The first change was to import SwiftData, add the @Model macro to the Definition for the Card object and remove @Published from two variable in the definition. After doing this I get 5 errors: External macro implementation type 'SwiftDataMacros.PersistentModelMacro' could not be found for macro 'Model()' The instructions continue to the CardEditorView and change the macro for var card to @Bindable with the error 'init(wrappedValue:)' is unavailable: The wrapped value must be an object that conforms to Observable Then we move to the App main class where we add .modelContainer(for: Card.self) and get the error No exact matches in call to instance method 'modelContainer' Any clue why this is happening?

I've tried every Xcode beta from beta 5 to beta 8 and the RC, none of them work with "Build and app with SwiftData" from WWDC 2023. The closest was Beta 5 which actually compiles but then give a segmentation fault. All the rest have some sort of compile time issues. Here is the complete list of errors with the Release Candidate for the Code-a-long using the completed project.

I got the same issue as you describe. Initially I didn't notice, but the author changed to the @Bindable property wrapper in the CardEditorView, not in the ContentView. After that the project builds normally without errors.

SwiftData Macros don't seem to work