Reality Composer doesn't work with Xcode15

I'm working on a realityKit project and use Reality Composer to make the 3d Experience. On the Xcode 15 update, Reality Composer was deleted from my computer. Anyone know how I can get it back?

I am waiting on a reply as well.

Xcode 14.3.1 is the last version of Xcode to include Reality Composer for macOS.

Reality Composer for iOS and iPadOS is available on the App Store.

For development with Reality Composer Pro and the visionOS SDK, continue to use Xcode 15 beta 8.

It seems to be available in the new 15.1 beta release. It was difficult to install, but it does include a version of Reality Composer. It seems to have some vital features removed like "behaviors", however. I assume because it is just a beta version

To be clear, about the post by HeshamAtApple above: are you saying Reality Composer is end of life? How about all of the non-VisionOS applications (vast majority) that were built over the course of the last 5 years? Is the message that all of the non-VisionOS apps are throw-away? That's how I read it. A terrible developer customer care decision. Solution: fix Reality Composer Pro to be iOS compatible ASAP!

Reality Composer doesn't work with Xcode15