A new value for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities, "iphone-performance-gaming-tier", is submitted to App Store Connect using Xcode 15.0 and iOS 17.0+, but the bundle is declared invalid.

According to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/uirequireddevicecapabilities/, the value iphone-performance-gaming-tier has been added. The description is quoted below.


Requires the graphics performance and gaming features equivalent to the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. Available in iOS 17.0 and later. Unavailable in visionOS.

In Info.plist of Xcode 15.0 (15A240d), setting iphone-performance-gaming-tier is correctly displayed in human readable format.

However, when archiving a build containing this value and submitting it to App Store Connect, I receive an email stating that the bundle is invalid.

The iphone-performance-gaming-tier is not available at this time, although its documentation states that it is available in iOS 17.0 and later. How can I use this value? For example, do I need a special entitlement?

The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key for iphone-performance-gaming-tier is currently not supported by the App Store but will be added in the future. We will post back to this forum thread when support is added.

Hello, we wanted to reply back and let you know the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key for iphone-performance-gaming-tier is currently is now supported by the App Store. If you continue to have issues including this key in your app, please contact Apple Developer Support.

Thank you.

How does the iphone-performance-gaming-tier flag affect iPads?

Does it limit apps to using M1 iPads and above or is there no effect?

I notice resident Evil is restricted to M1 iPads and above and I'd like to add a similar feature to an upcoming game.

Yes, it also limits apps to M1 iPads and above.

A new value for UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities, "iphone-performance-gaming-tier", is submitted to App Store Connect using Xcode 15.0 and iOS 17.0+, but the bundle is declared invalid.