The current model reference and the next model reference cannot be equal.

is anyone facing the error, "The current model reference and the next model reference cannot be equal", when using SwiftData with migration and iCloud/CloudKit integration?

Did you ever figure out the problem? I just ran into it myself and don't see anything obviously wrong. If I figure it out, I'll post again here with my findings.

I just figured it out in my case.

Each of my two 2 VersionedSchemas, V1 and V2, was referring to its static models as [A.self, B.self], which is fine. But I had forgotten that I had also typealiased A and B to the current schema ("typealias A = V1.A"), which was overriding the static references.

I fixed it by referring to the static models within the VersionedSchemas as [Self.A.self, Self.B.self], avoiding confusion with the typealiases.

I came across this while googling and thought I'd also put my solution here for any others it helps:

I was bumping the schema just to use the migrations for ensuring data integrity, and I hadn't actually changed the model. Once I made a change to the model (renamed an attribute I had been meaning to get around to) everything worked fine.

The current model reference and the next model reference cannot be equal.