SwiftData: Inserting two entities with same relationship target crashes

I have a Model Class Note:

class Note {
    var id: UUID
    var created: Date
    var content: String
    @Relationship(inverse: \Event.notes)
    var events:  [Event]?
    init(_ content: String, created: Date = .now, events: [Event] = []) {
        self.id = UUID()
        self.created = created
        self.content = content
        self.events = events

And Event:

class Event: Hashable, Equatable {
    var id: String
    var name: String
    var eventNotes: String?
    @Relationship var notes: [Note]?
    // @Transient does not publish (iOS bug?), use .ephemeral instead
    @Attribute(.ephemeral) var isSelected: Bool = false
    init(_ name: String = "Unnamed Event", calendarId: String, eventNotes: String) {
        self.id = calendarId
        self.name = name
        self.eventNotes = eventNotes
    init(from calendarEvent: EKEvent) {
        self.id = calendarEvent.eventIdentifier
        self.name = calendarEvent.title
        self.eventNotes = calendarEvent.notes ?? ""
    static func loadEvents(date: Date = Date()) -> [Event] {

I have the following View hierarchy

  1. NoteInputView which has @State var events: [Event] = []
  2. SelectEventButton which has @Binding var events: [Event] and calls Event.loadEvent() to retrieve list of events
  3. SelectEventSheet which has @Binding var events: [Event] and lets the user toggle isSelected

GitHub Gist with all relevant files

Adding notes with same events crashes...

With this setup, I attempt so save new notes in NoteInputView by calling addNote:

func addNote() -> Note {
    let selectedEvents = events.filter({ $0.isSelected })
    let note = Note(newNoteContent, events: selectedEvents)
    do {
        try context.save()
    } catch {
    return note

This works for the first note after opening the app, or if every subsequent note has a different event selected. However, storing a second note with the same event crashes with the following error:

"Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Illegal attempt to establish a relationship 'events' between objects in different contexts"

(complete error see here) The error occurs at context.insert, which doesn't throw.

If I force quit the app, and then add a note with the same events as an already persisted note, no error is thrown (until a I add another note with the same event without force-quitting).

... but not because one cannot refer to the same events twice

It's not a problem of referring to the same events, as the following code also works fine for multiple notes:

func addNote() -> Note {
    // This works, despite notes also always referring to the same events
    let note = Note(newNoteContent, events: Event.loadEvents())
    do {
        try context.save()
    } catch {
    return note


... workaround? Manually adding events to the context before adding it to the notes

One workaround seems to be to add the events to the context before adding the note:

func addNote() -> Note {
    let selectedEvents = events.filter({ $0.isSelected })

    let note = Note(newNoteContent, events: events)
    do {
        try context.save()
    } catch {
    return note


... but why?

While this works, I cannot quite make sense of this. It seems that passing events around between views may be the culprit, or that loadEvents is called in a child view. Would love some advice, since this doesn't seem like intended behavior.

SwiftData: Inserting two entities with same relationship target crashes