I've been testing out SwiftData but haven't bee able to get ModelContext notifications working. I've tried both an objc observer and for await patterns but it never fires. If I listen for the older nsmanagedcontext notifications they are firing, but I am hoping that the new ones give an ID instead of an objectId. Has anyone got these working?
Attempt 1:
class NotificationObserver {
init() {
let didSaveNotification = ModelContext.didSave
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didSave(_:)),
name: didSaveNotification, object: nil)
@objc func didSave(_ notification: Notification) {
Attempt 2:
class NotificationObserver {
init() {
let didSaveNotification = ModelContext.didSave
Task {
for await note in NotificationCenter.default.notifications(named: didSaveNotification) {
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