Passkey for wallet creation problem

Hey there I'm facing problem with create passkey .pkpass, the problem is I've to create a passkey using certificate created by macOS then upload on the appstore then import to the key chain then I can create a .pkpass but I wanna create it in my Django server for my customers when ever customer create their digital business card. when I created in my another MacBook where that certificate not imported the .pkpass is not going to create, and if I create it on any way it is not going to open. please help me how I can create it for my each customer on server dynamically.

I think there's some confusion here :). A passkey is a synced public-private key pair used as a WebAuthn credential, which can be used instead of a password for signing in to an online account. A .pkpass file for is for a Wallet pass which will show up in the Wallet app. Despite the similar name, these two things are unrelated.

Passkey for wallet creation problem