Including Third-Party SDK Required API Reasons in App's Manifest


I've been going through Apple's documentation on describing the use of required reason APIs in the privacy manifest file, and I have a question about handling APIs from third-party SDKs.

If we've already integrated the manifest file provided by the third-party SDK into our project, do we still need to list the reasons for the APIs from the third-party SDK in our app's manifest file?

Hi @Sejal3 ,

Per the apple documentation, third-party SDK(framework) needs to declare all the data collection API usage in its own PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file. The App using that third-party SDK should not declare the third-party SDK's API usage in the App's PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file.

Please refer the Important note section in the Apple doc:

What if the SDK is deprecated (AFNetworking) and won't be adding its own PrivacyManifest.xcprivacy? Guess we just have to fork our own version and add it ourselves? 🤔

Including Third-Party SDK Required API Reasons in App's Manifest